Haiku/Gesundheit (Volume XLVII)
in response to a co-worker who hinted i've lost my life-spark
a lifelong mantra
spills from lips like desert sand
don't worry i'm fine
to my mother, who called at 5:45 this morning
part a
i'm glad you called but
with my sis being pregnant
i thought you had news
part b
another birthday
forgotten leaves me laughing
(unlike the last time)
another grievance concerning daylight savings
you laughed then but you
can't say i didn't warn you
daylight savings sucks
What?! Happy Birthday!
I doubt that is anything like when my family says "Finethankyou". (You would have to see and hear it to get the gist.)
Um... I am assuming your mother was there when you were born, right?
My company is scrambling with that. I figure I'll deal with it by hand. I like the early DLS. It means I get to bike in the afternoon. Yes, I am selfish that way.
under the leaning
barn, the wind night and firesmoke -
we talked of both things.
fewer things later...
BPP - I'm beginning to have my doubts. This is the third time she's forgotten. The first time, I wasn't even a teenager yet.
Talk about traumatized.
But my sister remembered, my co-workers and most of my friends. That helps.
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