Haiku/Gesundheit (Volume XXVI)
i love flush toilets
more rvs than tents
means there's no running water
hope you brought wet-ones
darling, you smell marvelous!
summer sun bike ride
with no real way to shower
that smell you or me?
that doesn't feel good at all
lighted match head breaks
and flicks back onto my arm
human flesh melts fast

(or "why camping is in tents")
rain drops keep falling
on my tent, they keep falling
hope there's no mildew

on finding a four-leaf clover
(or "trying to break the spell")
i have awful luck
and yet i find these often
that's why i left it

you're better than emeril
between eating out
and eating this food outside
i'll take the latter
you can take the boy out of washington, but you can't take the washington out of the boy (or, "i noticed you didn't take any pictures")

no booze is allowed
and there aren't any mountains
you having fun yet?

(or "what are employers trying to prove?!")
wish there was more time
for hiking biking and sleep
nothing ever lasts
1 comment:
No, nothing ever lasts. *sigh*
Thanks for the haikua and pics.
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