Day 1 (Haiku/Gesundheit, Volume XXX)
it's actually pretty here, but...
flat flat hilly flat
cornfields, carcasses and trees
iowa rolls on
wish i could average half that on my daily commute
seventy-five speed
means you can do eighty-five
god bless nebraska

dueling ipods
rush, styx and hairbands
cause passenger seat tremors
plug mine back in please

adults need encouragement too
i drove a stick-shift
over four hundred miles
aren't you proud of me?
washington helps write a haiku
(800 miles into a 950 mile trip)
prairie unbroken
i sure hope we get there soon
that cow is pooping

washington's frustration results in a second haiku
trucks in the fast lane
make it difficult to pass
x-wing lasers, please
[post backdated according to actual date of travel]
Ah. The joys of driving across the FLAT part of the country. I prefer to do it at night if I can. After all that flatness and open space, I imagine a mountain looks pretty good. :)
You are back. Good because everything I've been reading of late sucks.
Thank God for Ipods. Lovely things, lovely things, indeed.
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