Thursday, July 20, 2006

Day 2 (Camping Etiquette)

To Those Who Take Infants Camping
Infants and camping do not mix — particularly at high altitudes, when children are prone to earaches. Until your child is old enough to roast his/her own marshmallows, leave them at home. The rest of the campers will thank you.

To Those So Scared to Walk to the Bathroom, They Drive
(And Take a Friend)

If 20 steps in the dark causes that much consternation, you've chosen the wrong place to go camping. Your carlight and rumbling engine are not appreciated after "quiet hours."

To Those with a Hyperactive 9-Year-Old Son
My concern wasn't so much that your boy asked us (complete strangers to him) if he could "get into" our "tent" — or even that he was obnoxiously loud, or that he used our campsite as a shortcut to the bathroom — but that you stood by and said nothing to him. Your parenting skills amaze me.

Most of the people here didn't drive from miles around to deal with inconsiderate city-folk who are interested solely in putting a notch in their car's fan belt. And so: if you must camp, choose your campground wisely. Find a babysitter for your infant and coach your son on impulse control.

[post backdated according to actual date of travel]

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