A Matter of Perspective
When this life first began — when you first became cognizant of that ever present "me" —Where did you think you'd wind up? Who did you want to become?
Are you that person?
And when you look out into the universe — the terrible, the beautiful, the tragic — do you see the world as it spins around you?
Or do you see the world?
Remember, wherever you go — wherever you're walking — to try, always, to never become...a stranger to yourself.
This is an amazing form of poetry. I LOVE it. Thank you.
I agree with franki. This is poignant and moving.
Nice photos! (makes me miss the city) and nice sentiment too!
Homeless people love to be photographed, Third. :) Nice stuff.
Too late. But we are trying to get re-acquainted.
Oddly enough, I never had a clue where I was going. I still don't. Not really. I just fake it well.
Franki, UnAd and Eli - Glad you enjoy it. I may make this a more regular feature of my blog. When I'm so inspired, anyway.
Matt - Swear I wasn't photographing him intentionally. I was going for pictures of the sign, and he just happened to be there. The close up of him is a cropping of a much bigger photo, rather than a zoom in on him.
BPP - I know what you mean.
I think maybe you're losing it.
I'm ready
I love it.
How do we become strangers to ourselves when we are always with ourselves... We do and we can, no doubt on that account, but curiosity on how it ever comes to pass - that got me thinking, I have to go blog now :-)
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