Thursday, January 22, 2009

Voices (a Q&A with the author)

What does it mean when nearly every voice in your head is screaming for you to get the f*ck out of Chicago?

(Only to be followed by a whisper, "But to where?")

And why, pray tell, does all this news about salmonella leave me craving peanut butter?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, as usual!

Meh said...

It takes a certain patience to love this bipolar city. But I love it with all my heart, even with all its faults.

Workman said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. But I'm happy to see you're posting here again.

I hope your blues will pass. Perhaps some peanut butter will help.

XOXO said...

I say throw a dart.

Eli said...

I know a cool girl who is looking for a roomy in Austin... whisper, whisper, whisper...