Monday, June 23, 2008

An Observation Regarding Human Nature

Many people just don't have what it takes to be good parents.

Unfortunately, those are generally the people who wind up with the most children.


Mel O said...

I hate that any idiot can reproduce... one should need to be interviewed, thoroughly tested, and need a license to be a parent.

Eli said...

The movie Idiocracy comes to mind...

Unknown said...

Should I be offended considering I'm currently working on number 4?

loofrin said...

so, how'd the weekend with parental units go?

Pamela said...

The quality of parenting grows in inverse proportion with each child. Haven't you noticed that the eldest child is usually the best behaved and most successful?
I was # 8 - so I'm an expert on the subject. (smirk)

XOXO said...

I'd like to know what incident prompted this. I completely agree, but there's got to be a story.

Anonymous said...

i'm with melo. in order to adopt a child, one must rightly jump through hoops that would make a circus animal shudder. but any buffoon can father a child or give birth. not that most parents are buffoons.

Anonymous said...

What can I say? Children are the product of unskilled labor. And it often shows. So, what prompted this?